Monday, July 1, 2013

First Heat Wave of the Season

Let's talk about running in the hot weather.....we have received our first heat wave of the season and running has been tough!  Actually any activity has been miserable in this heat!  All I want to do is lie around on my couch and watch TV!!  But because Ragnar is less than 3 weeks away, I have a lot of prep to do still.  Yesterday I went on a 3 mile walk with my mom, in the pinnacle of the heat.  Ooh!  I don't think I have ever sweat so much in my life AND I got a sunburn on my shoulders!  I wore my Camelback during my walk so that I get used to the weight and feel of it.  When I got home from the walk I decided that I should run as well.  However, the weather was still much too hot so I had to use the ol' Dreadmill.  Blah.  But a couple miles on the treadmill are better than no miles.  So I completed 2 miles on the treadmill before I felt like I was going to completely melt.  I could not force myself to run any further.  I am just not used to running in inclement weather!!  Sad, right?  Ha!

Typically when I run I need to consume a lot of water!  And during the summer it is amplified.  I am glad that I have a Camelback and will use that instead of a hydration belt from now on.  I would love to get a Geigerrig bag though!  Those are pressurized and will spray water in your mouth, a running friend or on your face.  I would love one but they are pricey.  The smallest one is over $100.  And while we're talking about running gear that I want...I would love a new running watch.  I currently have a Garmin 210 and it works but it doesn't have as many features as I would like.  Such as pace.  I typically run intervals with my watch and the 210 only displays the pace for the interval and not overall. So I'll be going along at my faster than usual pace, thinking I'm doing really well.  Then I get to my walk interval and the pace changes.  I would prefer a watch that keeps track of overall pace so that I know whether or not to increase or decrease my speed.  I would also like a new pair of shoes.  These are not necessary but I want them!  I need to go back to my running store and be re-fit.  I am sick of the Asics and am thinking of switching to Brooks or Nike. 

First world problems right?  I have more running clothes than work clothes at this point.  And I'm ok with that!  I am on the road to a healthier me and I'm happy.  So here I sit, waiting until it cools off a bit so I can get on the treadmill.  Gotta get those miles in before Ragnar!!

Red Kisses,



  1. Yeah this weather is crazy, here in Spokane we are highs in the 100s so getting my run in at 9am when it is only 75 is a triumph. It's supposed to cool down in the next couple days so hang in there. I just switched to Brooks a couple months ago and have had no issues but to each her own because shoes are fickle.

    1. Thanks Kris! The weather did cool a bit and I went for a short 3 miler. Slow but I did it
